Julie is digging a square area in her backyard for a vegetable garden. If the area is 52 square feet, what is the approximate length of one side of her garden?

6 feet

7 feet

8 feet

9 feet

The square root of 52 is approximately 7.211, so the approximate length of one side of Julie's garden is 7 feet.

To find the approximate length of one side of Julie's vegetable garden, we need to find the square root of the area.

The square root of 52 is approximately 7.21.

Therefore, the approximate length of one side of her garden is 7 feet.

To find the approximate length of one side of Julie's garden, we need to find the square root of the area of the garden. The area is given as 52 square feet.

To find the square root, you can use a calculator or a mathematical function.

Taking the square root of 52 gives us approximately 7.21.

Since we are looking for the approximate length of one side of the square, it will be closest to the whole number value.

Among the given options, 7 feet is the closest to 7.21. Therefore, the approximate length of one side of Julie's garden is 7 feet.

So the correct answer is: 7 feet.