Compare square root of one hundred sixty and one hundred fifteen ninths using <, >, or =.

a) square root of one hundred sixty is greater than one hundred fifteen ninths

b) square root of one hundred sixty is equal to one hundred fifteen ninths

c) one hundred fifteen ninths is greater than square root of one hundred sixty

d) one hundred fifteen ninths is less than square root of one hundred sixty

The square root of one hundred sixty is greater than one hundred fifteen ninths. Therefore, the correct answer is:

a) square root of one hundred sixty is greater than one hundred fifteen ninths

To compare the square root of one hundred sixty and one hundred fifteen ninths, we need to calculate the values.

The square root of one hundred sixty is approximately 12.65 (rounded to two decimal places).

To calculate the square root of one hundred fifteen ninths, we need to convert one hundred fifteen ninths into decimal form.

One hundred fifteen ninths can be written as: (115/9).

By dividing 115 by 9, we get 12.78 (rounded to two decimal places).

Therefore, we can conclude that:

c) One hundred fifteen ninths is greater than the square root of one hundred sixty.

To compare the square root of one hundred sixty and one hundred fifteen ninths, we need to calculate the numerical value of each expression and then compare them.

1. Square root of one hundred sixty:
To find the square root of one hundred sixty, you can calculate it manually or use a calculator. The square root of one hundred sixty is approximately 12.65.

2. One hundred fifteen ninths:
To find the value of one hundred fifteen ninths, divide 115 by 9. The quotient is approximately 12.78.

Now, comparing the numerical values we obtained:
- The square root of one hundred sixty (approximately 12.65) is less than one hundred fifteen ninths (approximately 12.78).

Therefore, the correct answer is:
d) one hundred fifteen ninths is less than the square root of one hundred sixty.