How is the creation of new jobs a societal change related to the Neolithic Revolution? (1 po

O Fewer people were needed to produce food, so they had the opportunity to develop new skills

Lack of surplus food meant that people had to develop new skills

O The lack of cities meant that people had to rely on themselves to do all jobs.

O The decreasing population meant that more people had to do more jobs

I would go with the first option: "Fewer people were needed to produce food, so they had the opportunity to develop new skills."

During the Neolithic Revolution, the shift from hunting and gathering to settled agriculture allowed for a surplus of food to be produced. With the ability to produce enough food to sustain larger populations, not everyone needed to be directly involved in food production. This provided individuals with the opportunity to explore new skills and occupations beyond basic subsistence activities. As a result, new jobs and specialized roles emerged, such as artisans, merchants, traders, builders, and religious leaders, among others. This development of new skills and occupations contributed to societal changes and the expansion of human capabilities beyond solely survival and sustenance.

The creation of new jobs as a societal change related to the Neolithic Revolution can be attributed to the following:

Fewer people were needed to produce food, so they had the opportunity to develop new skills.

The correct answer is:

Fewer people were needed to produce food, so they had the opportunity to develop new skills.

During the Neolithic Revolution, one of the key changes that occurred was the shift from a nomadic, hunter-gatherer lifestyle to a settled, agricultural lifestyle. This transition allowed humans to cultivate crops and domesticate animals, which led to the production of surplus food. As a result, fewer people were needed to solely focus on food production, thereby creating opportunities for individuals to engage in different activities and develop new skills.

To arrive at this answer, consider the implications of the Neolithic Revolution. It marked a significant change in human civilization where people began to settle in one place and establish agricultural communities. This shift towards agriculture and food production led to increased productivity and allowed certain members of the community to specialize in other areas, such as crafts, trade, governance, and cultural activities. With surplus food, not everyone needed to be directly involved in the production of food, giving them the opportunity to explore and develop new skills.

Thus, the creation of new jobs can be seen as a societal change related to the Neolithic Revolution because it was a direct consequence of the increased efficiency in food production and the subsequent division of labor.