Rinda needs to solve the problem 129+523 . What is the sum?

To solve the problem 129+523, follow these steps:

1. Start by writing the two numbers vertically, one below the other, lining up the digits:

+ 523

2. Begin with the rightmost column (ones place) and add the digits together. In this case, 9 + 3 equals 12:

1 2 9
+ 5 2 3

3. Write down the rightmost digit of the sum, which is 2, below the line, and carry over the leftmost digit (1) to the next column:

1 2 9
+ 5 2 3

4. Move to the next column (tens place) and add the digits together, including the carried-over digit. In this case, 2 + 2 + 1 equals 5:

1 2 9
+ 5 2 3
5 2

5. Write down the rightmost digit of the sum, which is 5, below the line:

1 2 9
+ 5 2 3
5 2

6. Finally, move to the leftmost column (hundreds place) and add the digits together. In this case, 1 + 5 equals 6:

1 2 9
+ 5 2 3
6 5 2

Therefore, the sum of 129 and 523 is 652.

To solve the problem 129 + 523, you need to add the two numbers together. Here's how you can do it:

Step 1: Start by adding the digits in the rightmost column, which is the ones place. In this case, it's 9 + 3 = 12.

Step 2: Write down the 2 in the ones place and carry over the 1 to the tens place.

Step 3: Now, add the digits in the tens place, which is 2 (from the carried over 1) + 2 = 4.

Step 4: Write down the 4 in the tens place.

Step 5: Finally, add the digits in the hundreds place, which is 1 + 5 = 6.

Step 6: Write down the 6 in the hundreds place.

So, the sum of 129 and 523 is 652.

The sum of 129 and 523 is 652.