Which term best fits in the box labeled with the number 2? (1 point) Responses Limited Government Limited Government Consent of the Governed Consent of the Governed Representative Government Representative Government Rule of law

Rule of law

The term that best fits in the box labeled with the number 2 is "Consent of the Governed."

To determine which term best fits in the box labeled with the number 2, we can analyze each option:

1. Limited Government: This term refers to a government system in which there are certain restrictions on the powers and actions of the government, usually outlined in a constitution. It aims to protect individual rights and prevent the government from becoming too powerful.

2. Consent of the Governed: This term refers to the idea that the legitimacy and authority of a government are derived from the consent or approval of the people being governed. It emphasizes the idea that the government exists to serve and represent the will of the people.

3. Representative Government: This term refers to a system of government in which the people elect individuals to represent their interests and make decisions on their behalf. It ensures that citizens have a voice in the government's decision-making processes.

4. Rule of law: This term refers to the principle that all individuals, including those in power, are subject to and must abide by the law. It promotes fairness, predictability, and accountability in society.

Based on the descriptions, the term that best fits in the box labeled with the number 2 is "Consent of the Governed." This term highlights the importance of obtaining the approval and consent of the people being governed, which is a fundamental aspect of democratic systems.