What story is written by a playwright to be performed by actors?

A play is a story written by a playwright to be performed by actors.

A story written by a playwright to be performed by actors is called a play. Plays are typically written for the purpose of being performed on stage and are comprised of dialogue, stage directions, and sometimes monologues or soliloquies. They can range from comedic to tragic, and are often divided into acts and scenes. Playwrights such as William Shakespeare, Arthur Miller, and Tennessee Williams are known for their significant contributions to the art of playwriting.

A story that is written by a playwright to be performed by actors is called a "play." Plays are a form of theatrical performance where actors portray characters and act out a scripted story on a stage. These stories can vary in genre, ranging from comedy to tragedy, and from historical events to fictional narratives. Playwrights specifically write these scripts with the intention of having them performed live by actors for an audience. Well-known playwrights include William Shakespeare, Tennessee Williams, Arthur Miller, and many others who have left a significant impact on the world of theater.