What is the sum of the fractions? 1116 + 316 (1 point)

To find the sum of fractions, you need to ensure that the fractions have a common denominator. In this case, the denominators are already the same, which is 16. Therefore, you can simply add the numerators together to get the sum.

1116 + 316 = 1432

So the sum of the fractions 1116 and 316 is 1432.

The sum of the fractions 1116 and 316 is 1432.

To find the sum of fractions, we need to ensure that both fractions have the same denominator. In this case, the denominators are already the same, which is 16. Therefore, we can add the numerators directly.

1116 + 316 = 1432

So, the sum of the fractions 1116 and 316 is 1432.