Three people rob a bank one dies, one fakes his own death, and one gets away guess the game

The game you might be referring to is "Grand Theft Auto V" (GTA V).

Based on the scenario you described, it is possible that the game you are referring to is "Grand Theft Auto V" (GTA V). In one mission of the game called "The Paleto Score," three characters are involved in robbing a bank. During the heist, one character dies, another character fakes his death, and the last character manages to escape with the money.

Based on the information provided, it seems like you are describing the plot of a video game. However, without any additional details about the game, it is difficult to determine the exact title. To guess the game, you may need to provide more specific information such as the genre, platform, release date, or any distinctive features or characters in the game. This would help narrow down the possibilities and assist in making an accurate guess.