paraphrase the information given below.

Since the calculated P-value of 0.026888 is less compared to the critical value of 0.05, the null hypothesis has to be accepted by rejecting the alternate hypothesis. Therefore, we conclude to say that the null hypothesis is not significant and the alternate hypothesis is considered as being statically significant because the mean for the effectiveness of wax for all three brand are not equal, they ranges from 1337, 1398 & 2160 which are all different. Likewise for the F-value, the calculated F-value of 3.8906788 is greater than the f-critical value of 3.18261 there for the alternate hypothesis will be accepted and the null hypothesis will be rejected.

Given the P-value of 0.026888, which is less than the critical value of 0.05, we can conclude that the null hypothesis should be accepted and the alternative hypothesis should be rejected. This means that the null hypothesis is not significant, but the alternative hypothesis is statistically significant. This is because the mean effectiveness of wax for the three brands (1337, 1398, and 2160) is different. Similarly, the calculated F-value of 3.8906788 is greater than the f-critical value of 3.18261, so the alternative hypothesis is accepted and the null hypothesis is rejected.

Based on the given information, we can paraphrase it as follows:

The null hypothesis is accepted because the calculated P-value of 0.026888 is less than the critical value of 0.05. This means that the null hypothesis is not significant and the alternate hypothesis is statistically significant. This is because the mean effectiveness of wax for the three brands (1337, 1398, and 2160) is not equal; they are all different. Similarly, the calculated F-value of 3.8906788 is greater than the critical F-value of 3.18261. Therefore, the alternate hypothesis is accepted and the null hypothesis is rejected.

To paraphrase the information given:

Since the calculated P-value of 0.026888 is less than the critical value of 0.05, we can reject the alternate hypothesis and accept the null hypothesis. This means that the null hypothesis is not significant and the alternate hypothesis is considered statistically significant. This is because the mean effectiveness of wax for all three brands (1337, 1398, and 2160) is different.

Similarly, for the F-value, the calculated F-value of 3.8906788 is greater than the f-critical value of 3.18261. Therefore, we can accept the alternate hypothesis and reject the null hypothesis.