2 graduate attributes that one needs to develop in university

1. Critical thinking and problem-solving skills: University education requires students to analyze and evaluate information, think critically, and solve complex problems. Developing critical thinking skills involves questioning assumptions, considering multiple perspectives, and applying logical reasoning to arrive at informed decision-making. These skills are crucial for academic success and also translate well into professional settings, where graduates are expected to think critically and make sound judgments in their chosen field.

2. Effective communication and collaboration: University provides numerous opportunities for students to enhance their communication skills, both verbal and written, as well as their ability to work effectively in teams. Effective communication involves the ability to convey ideas clearly, listen actively, and adapt communication style to different audiences. Collaboration skills involve working collaboratively with others, valuing diverse perspectives, and contributing effectively to group projects. These attributes are highly valued in the workplace, as they enable graduates to work well in teams, build professional relationships, and communicate ideas and information effectively.

1. Critical Thinking: Critical thinking is the ability to effectively analyze and evaluate information, arguments, and ideas. It involves logically examining evidence, recognizing biases, questioning assumptions, and making informed judgments. Developing critical thinking skills in university involves actively engaging with course material, participating in discussions and debates, and challenging your own perspectives. This attribute is valuable not only for academic success but also for problem-solving, decision-making, and lifelong learning.

2. Communication Skills: Strong communication skills are essential in the professional world and in personal relationships. University provides opportunities to enhance your written and verbal communication abilities. Writing research papers, giving presentations, participating in group projects, and engaging in class discussions can help you develop clarity, coherence, and persuasiveness in your communication. Effective communication involves expressing ideas clearly, listening actively, presenting information concisely, adapting communication style to different audiences, and using communication tools and technologies effectively.

To determine the graduate attributes that one needs to develop in university, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Research the purpose of a university education
Start by understanding the purpose of a university education. Universities aim to provide students with not only knowledge in specific fields but also a range of transferable skills and qualities that will be valuable in the workplace and life in general.

Step 2: Consult your university's website or prospectus
Check your university's official website or prospectus. Most universities have a section dedicated to outlining the graduate attributes they aim to cultivate in their students. They might use different terms, but there are usually common themes across institutions.

Step 3: Look for common graduate attributes
While the specific graduate attributes might vary, there are some commonly desired qualities that employers and universities aim to foster in students. Two examples of these attributes are:

1. Communication Skills: Universities often prioritize the development of effective communication skills, both oral and written. This includes the ability to express ideas clearly, listen actively, and engage with others in a respectful and professional manner.

2. Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving: Another important graduate attribute is the ability to think critically and solve problems. Universities encourage students to analyze complex situations, evaluate information, and apply logical reasoning to develop innovative and practical solutions.

Step 4: Consider additional attributes
In addition to the two attributes mentioned above, universities may emphasize other qualities, such as teamwork, leadership, adaptability, ethical and social responsibility, information literacy, and cultural awareness.

Step 5: Reflect on your personal development
Assess your own strengths and areas for improvement. Consider which attributes you already possess and those you need to develop further during your university journey.

Remember, the specific graduate attributes can vary depending on your university and program of study, so it's essential to consult your institution's resources to get the most accurate and relevant information.