Which statement best assesses how

Supreme Court decisions have impacted freedom of the press?
(1 point)

Supreme Court decisions have consistently protected and expanded the freedom of the press.

Supreme Court decisions have failed to make consistent decisions regarding freedom of the press.

Supreme Court decisions have consistently limited freedom of the press.

Supreme Court decisions have determined that prior restraint is unconstitutional.

Supreme Court decisions have consistently protected and expanded the freedom of the press.

The statement that best assesses how Supreme Court decisions have impacted freedom of the press is: "Supreme Court decisions have consistently protected and expanded the freedom of the press."

The best way to evaluate how Supreme Court decisions have impacted freedom of the press is to analyze the actual decisions made by the Court. You can start by researching specific Supreme Court cases related to freedom of the press, such as New York Times v. United States (1971) and Near v. Minnesota (1931).

In the case of New York Times v. United States, the Supreme Court ruled that the government could not block the publication of classified information related to the Vietnam War, setting a precedent against prior restraint. This decision can be seen as a protection and expansion of the freedom of the press.

Similarly, in Near v. Minnesota, the Court invalidated a state law that allowed authorities to shut down and censor "malicious" or "scandalous" publications. This decision further affirmed the freedom of the press and limited government intervention.

These cases, along with others, showcase instances where Supreme Court decisions have consistently protected and expanded the freedom of the press. Therefore, the statement that best assesses the impact of Supreme Court decisions on freedom of the press is: "Supreme Court decisions have consistently protected and expanded the freedom of the press."