Which was a request of Josiah Child's ''Brief Observations Concerning Trade and Interest of money"?

the education of only men
the education of both men and women
more church funding for the poor
no regulation of manufactured goods

The request mentioned in Josiah Child's "Brief Observations Concerning Trade and Interest of money" was no regulation of manufactured goods.

The request of Josiah Child's "Brief Observations Concerning Trade and Interest of money" was no regulation of manufactured goods.

To find out the request made by Josiah Child in his work "Brief Observations Concerning Trade and Interest of Money," you can follow these steps:

1. Start by conducting a search for the work itself. Look for a digital version, such as an e-book or online publication, to access the original text.

2. Once you have access to the text, search for keywords related to the request or proposal made by Josiah Child. In this case, you can try searching for terms such as "request," "proposal," or specific keywords related to education, church funding, or regulation.

3. Scan through the text, paying close attention to sections that discuss educational matters, church funding, or the regulation of manufactured goods. Look for any explicit statements or recommendations made by Josiah Child regarding his requests.

4. If the request is clearly mentioned in the text, note down the details, such as the specific policy proposal, and use that information to answer the question. If you cannot find a direct mention of a request, consider any broader themes or ideas presented in the text that might indirectly address the question.

Unfortunately, as an AI text-based model, I do not have real-time access to specific works such as "Brief Observations Concerning Trade and Interest of Money." Therefore, I cannot provide you with the exact request made by Josiah Child in that work. I recommend following the steps outlined above to obtain the answer to your question.