convert -1 into fraction

-1 can be converted into a fraction by writing it as a fraction with -1 as the numerator and 1 as the denominator.

Therefore, -1 can be written as -1/1.

To convert -1 into a fraction, we can represent it as a fraction with -1 as the numerator and 1 as the denominator. This is because any number divided by 1 is equal to itself.

Therefore, -1 can be written as:


Simplifying the fraction further, we get:

-1/1 = -1

So, -1 can be represented as -1/1.

To convert -1 into a fraction, we can express it as a fraction with -1 as the numerator and 1 as the denominator. This can be written as -1/1.

Since a fraction with a negative numerator or denominator is equivalent to a fraction with both numerator and denominator negated, we can simplify the fraction by negating both the numerator and the denominator. Negating -1 gives us 1, and negating 1 gives us -1.

So the simplified fraction for -1 is 1/-1, which is usually written as just -1.