Identify the definition of gerrymandering.

the process of drawing congressional district lines to create malapportioned districts

the process of redrawing congressional district lines to create an advantage or disadvantage for a race, ethnicity, or political party

the process of redrawing congressional district lines to ensure equal numbers of Democratic and Republican voters

the process of redrawing congressional district lines according to race

The correct definition of gerrymandering is: the process of redrawing congressional district lines to create an advantage or disadvantage for a race, ethnicity, or political party.

The correct definition of gerrymandering is:

The process of redrawing congressional district lines to create an advantage or disadvantage for a race, ethnicity, or political party.

The correct definition of gerrymandering is: "the process of redrawing congressional district lines to create an advantage or disadvantage for a race, ethnicity, or political party."

To find this answer, you can use reputable sources such as dictionaries, political science textbooks, or government websites. These sources will provide you with accurate definitions and explanations of gerrymandering. Additionally, you can refer to legal documents, such as court cases or legislation, where gerrymandering is discussed and defined.

By conducting a brief search using keywords like "definition of gerrymandering," you will find reliable sources that explain what gerrymandering is and how it is employed. It is important to cross-reference information from multiple sources to ensure accuracy and get a well-rounded understanding of the concept.