A person's functional age us determined by his or her what

A person's functional age is determined by his or her physical and mental health, cognitive abilities, and overall level of independence and functioning in daily activities. It is a measure of how well a person can perform tasks and meet the demands of everyday life, rather than being solely based on chronological age.

A person's functional age is determined by his or her physical, mental, and social capabilities or abilities to carry out everyday tasks. It takes into account factors such as overall health, cognitive function, mobility, and independence in activities of daily living. Functional age is a measure of how well an individual is able to function in comparison to chronological age.

A person's functional age is generally determined by their physical, mental, and social functioning rather than their chronological age. It is a measure of how well an individual is able to perform daily activities, maintain cognitive abilities, and engage in social interactions compared to others of the same chronological age. To determine someone's functional age, various assessments and evaluations can be conducted, taking into account factors such as physical fitness, cognitive functioning, emotional wellbeing, and social engagement. These assessments may involve medical professionals, psychologists, and geriatric specialists who may use different techniques, questionnaires, and tests to evaluate a person's functional capacity. It is important to note that functional age is not based solely on one's chronological age, as individuals can have different levels of functional ability and health depending on their lifestyle, genetics, and environmental factors.