Which one of these region is home to Georgia’s only known source for coal. Piedmont, Ridge and valley,Blue ridge,and Appalachian mountain

Appalachian mountains

Georgia's only known source for coal is located in the Appalachian Mountain region.

To determine which region is home to Georgia's only known source for coal, we need to understand the geography of the state. Georgia is historically known for its diverse geography, consisting of several distinct regions. Let's take a closer look at each of the regions mentioned:

1. Piedmont: The Piedmont region is located in the central part of Georgia. It is characterized by gently rolling hills with abundant red clay soil. This region is not typically associated with coal deposits.

2. Ridge and Valley: The Ridge and Valley region is situated in the northwestern part of Georgia. It is characterized by long, parallel mountain ridges and narrow valleys. This region does not have significant coal deposits.

3. Blue Ridge: The Blue Ridge region is also located in the northern part of Georgia. It is characterized by the southernmost portion of the Appalachian Mountains. While this region has diverse mineral resources, including gold and granite, it does not contain significant coal deposits.

4. Appalachian Mountain: The Appalachian Mountain region extends into Georgia's northeastern corner. It is part of the larger Appalachian Mountain range that spans several states. Historically, this region has been known for its coal deposits, particularly bituminous coal.

Based on the above information, the Appalachian Mountain region is Georgia's only known source for coal.