Which option is a mineral?

A. Pearl
B. Garnet
C. Wood
D. Coal

B. Garnet

The correct option that represents a mineral is B. Garnet.

To determine which option is a mineral, we need to understand what a mineral is. A mineral is a naturally occurring inorganic solid that has a consistent chemical composition and a definite crystalline structure.

Now let's evaluate each option to see if it fits the definition of a mineral:

A. Pearl: Pearls are not minerals. They are organic gemstones formed by mollusks.

B. Garnet: Garnet is a mineral. It is a group of silicate minerals with similar crystal structures.

C. Wood: Wood is not a mineral. It is an organic material derived from trees.

D. Coal: Coal is not a mineral. It is a sedimentary rock formed from the remains of plants.

Based on the evaluation, the option B, Garnet, is a mineral because it meets the criteria of being a naturally occurring inorganic solid with a consistent chemical composition and a definite crystalline structure.