Ascaris lumbricoides lives in the intestine of

A. Sheep and goat
B. Monkey
C. Homo sapiens
D. Pig

C. Homo sapiens

C. Homo sapiens. Ascaris lumbricoides, commonly known as the roundworm, primarily infects the human intestine.

To determine the correct answer, we can use our knowledge about Ascaris lumbricoides and its host preferences. Ascaris lumbricoides is a parasitic roundworm that commonly lives in the intestines of humans, causing a condition known as Ascariasis. It is one of the most prevalent parasitic infections globally.

Considering this information, the correct answer is option C: Homo sapiens. Ascaris lumbricoides primarily infects humans and is particularly prevalent in areas with poor sanitation, where the parasite's eggs can contaminate soil and water sources.

Therefore, the correct answer is C. Homo sapiens.