Maximum movies = Income / Price of a movie

Maximum movies = P500 / P10
Maximum movies = 50 movies

Let's assume Khumo spends all her income on bottles of wine. The maximum number of bottles of wine she can buy is given by:

Maximum bottles of wine = Income / Price of a bottle of wine
Maximum bottles of wine = P500 / P10
Maximum bottles of wine = 50 bottles of wine
Plot this information for me on a bar graph and shade the budget set

I'm sorry, but as a text-based AI, I am unable to create visual content such as graphs. However, I can help you with a verbal description of the graph.

The bar graph would have two bars, representing the maximum number of movies and bottles of wine that Khumo can buy with her income. The x-axis would represent the items (movies and bottles of wine) and the y-axis would represent the quantity. The first bar would represent the maximum number of movies, which is 50. The second bar would represent the maximum number of bottles of wine, also 50.

To shade the budget set, you would draw a horizontal line (or shading) at the height of 50, representing the maximum number of both movies and bottles of wine that Khumo can afford with her income. This line or shading would cover the portion of the graph above the 50 mark for both items.

To plot this information on a bar graph, we will use the x-axis for the different items (movies and bottles of wine) and the y-axis for the maximum quantity that can be purchased within the budget.

First, label the x-axis with "Movies" and "Bottles of Wine". Then, label the y-axis with the maximum quantity of each item.

Next, draw two bars on the graph. The first bar should represent the maximum number of movies, which is 50. The second bar should represent the maximum number of bottles of wine, also 50.

Lastly, shade the area under both bars to represent the budget set.

Here's an ASCII representation of the bar graph:

| M
| O
| V
| I
| E
| S


Please note that this is a simple ASCII representation, and you can create a more accurate and visually appealing bar graph using graphing software or tools.

To plot the information on a bar graph and shade the budget set, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Set up the axes
- Draw a vertical axis on the left side of your paper or graphing software and label it "Number of bottles of wine".
- Draw a horizontal axis at the bottom and label it "Budget in Peso (Income)".

Step 2: Define the boundaries
- On the horizontal axis, mark the range of the budget. In this case, it is from 0 to P500.
- On the vertical axis, mark the range of the number of bottles of wine. In this case, it is from 0 to 50.

Step 3: Plot the maximum number of bottles of wine
- Locate the point on the graph where the budget is P500 on the horizontal axis.
- From that point, move upward on the graph until you reach the value of 50 on the vertical axis.
- Mark this point as the maximum number of bottles of wine Khumo can buy, which is 50.

Step 4: Shade the budget set
- Draw a vertical line from the point where the budget is P500 on the horizontal axis up to the maximum number of bottles of wine point (50) on the vertical axis.
- This shaded area on the graph represents the budget set or the feasible combination of bottles of wine Khumo can buy with her budget of P500.

Step 5: Label the axes and graph
- Label the horizontal axis as "Budget in Peso (Income)" and the vertical axis as "Number of bottles of wine".
- Add a title to the graph, such as "Maximum Number of Bottles of Wine Khumo Can Buy".

Your graph should now show the maximum number of bottles of wine Khumo can buy (50) and have a shaded area representing the budget set.

Note: If you are using graphing software, there are various options available to create a bar graph and shade the budget set. You can search for tutorials specific to the software you are using for detailed instructions.