Makayla is making dumplings. If she uses 1/4 cup of dough for each dumpling, how much dough does Makayla need to make 14 dumplings?

To solve, we'll need to (multiply 1/4 by 14 OR divide 14 by 1/4) because we know the SIZE of the groups and the (NUMBER of groups OR TOTAL number of cups), but we don't know the (NUMBER of groups OR the TOTAL cups of dough).

To find the amount of dough Makayla needs, we can multiply 1/4 by 14:

1/4 * 14 = 14/4 = 3.5

Therefore, Makayla needs 3.5 cups of dough to make 14 dumplings.

Answer the parentheses questions.

To solve, we'll need to divide 14 by 1/4 because we know the SIZE of the groups (1/4 cup) and the TOTAL number of dumplings (14 dumplings), but we don't know the NUMBER of groups (cups of dough).

Simplify to a single power of 2:

2^4 x 2^2

To simplify 2^4 x 2^2, we can use the product of powers property, which states that when multiplying two powers with the same base, we can add their exponents.

2^4 x 2^2 = 2^(4+2)

Simplifying the exponents, we have:

2^4 x 2^2 = 2^6

Therefore, 2^4 x 2^2 simplifies to 2^6.

Simplify to a single power of 3: 3^5/3^3

To simplify 3^5/3^3, we can use the quotient of powers property, which states that when dividing two powers with the same base, we can subtract their exponents.

3^5/3^3 = 3^(5-3)

Simplifying the exponents, we have:

3^5/3^3 = 3^2

Therefore, 3^5/3^3 simplifies to 3^2.

Which expression is equivalent to 2^-1 x 2 ^-3?

1. 2^3
2. 2^2
3. 2^-4
4. 2^-3

To simplify 2^-1 x 2^-3, we can use the product of powers property, which states that when multiplying two powers with the same base, we can add their exponents.

2^-1 x 2^-3 = 2^(-1 + -3)

Simplifying the exponents, we have:

2^-1 x 2^-3 = 2^(-4)

Therefore, the expression 2^-1 x 2^-3 is equivalent to 2^-4. So the correct answer is option 3, 2^-4.

Write the number 9 x 10^6 in standard form.