Step 1: 4x + 5 < 6x + 1 (Given)

Step 2: -2x + 5 < 1 (Subtraction)
Step 3: -2x < 6 (Addition)
Step 4: x > -3 (Division)
Mia is trying to find her mistake in the problem shown. In which step did she first make a mistake?

A. Step 1
B. Step 2
C. Step 3
D. Step 4

The mistake Mia made in the problem is in Step 3: -2x < 6 (Addition). The equation should be -2x < -4 instead of -2x < 6.

Therefore, the correct answer is C. Step 3.

The mistake Mia made in the problem is at Step 2.

The correct step should be:

Step 2: 4x - 6x < 1 - 5 (Subtraction)

To determine where Mia made the mistake, we need to carefully analyze each step. Let's go through the steps one by one:

Step 1: 4x + 5 < 6x + 1 (Given)
Step 2: -2x + 5 < 1 (Subtraction)
Step 3: -2x < 6 (Addition)
Step 4: x > -3 (Division)

In Step 1, Mia wrote down the given inequality correctly, so there doesn't appear to be a mistake there.

In Step 2, Mia subtracted 4x from both sides of the inequality, which is incorrect. In order to isolate the variable, Mia should have subtracted 6x from both sides of the inequality since that is the term with x in it.

Therefore, the mistake Mia made is in Step 2. The correct answer is B. Step 2.