An average American household uses about 1.04 x 10* kWh (kilowatt hours) of electricity a year. If a power station generates 2.496 × 101° kWh per year, how many households can it serve? Write your answer in scientific notation, expressed to the exact decimal place.

To find the number of households the power station can serve, we need to divide the total electricity generated by the power station by the average electricity used by an American household in a year.

Number of households = Total electricity generated / Average electricity used per household

In scientific notation, the total electricity generated by the power station is 2.496 × 10^100 kWh, and the average electricity used by an American household is 1.04 × 10^10 kWh.

Therefore, Number of households = (2.496 × 10^100) / (1.04 × 10^10)

To divide these numbers in scientific notation, we subtract the exponents and divide the coefficients:

Number of households = (2.496 / 1.04) × 10^(100-10) = 2.4 × 10^90

So, the power station can serve approximately 2.4 × 10^90 households.

write that in scientific notation

The number of households that the power station can serve in scientific notation is 2.4 x 10^90.

2.4 x 10^90.

Apologies for the error. The correct scientific notation representation for the number of households that the power station can serve is 2.4 x 10^90.

To find out how many households a power station can serve, we can divide the total amount of electricity generated by the power station by the amount of electricity used by an average American household in a year.

1. Start by dividing the total electricity generated by the power station by the amount used by a single household:
2.496 × 1018 kWh / (1.04 × 10³ kWh/year).

2. To divide the numbers with the same base, subtract the exponents:
18 - 3 = 15

3. Divide the coefficients (numbers in front of the base):
2.496 / 1.04 = 2.4

4. Combine the result with the base and exponent in scientific notation form:
2.4 × 1015 households

Therefore, the power station can serve approximately 2.4 × 1015 households.

To find out how many households a power station can serve, we need to divide the total amount of electricity generated by the power station by the average amount of electricity used by an American household.

The power station generates 2.496 × 10¹⁰ kWh per year, and an average American household uses 1.04 × 10⁴ kWh per year.

To divide two numbers written in scientific notation, we subtract the exponent of the divisor (1.04 × 10⁴) from the exponent of the dividend (2.496 × 10¹⁰) and divide the coefficients. The result will be in the format of scientific notation.

Exponent calculation: 10¹⁰ - 10⁴ = 10¹⁰ - 10⁴ = 10⁶

Coefficient calculation: 2.496 / 1.04 = 2.4 (rounded to one decimal place)

Therefore, the power station can serve approximately 2.4 × 10⁶ households.