title:High flying hero Author:christy mihaly

What is the central idea of High-Flying Hero?
What is the author’s purpose in High-Flying Hero?
What is the author’s point of view in High-Flying Hero?

The central idea of High-Flying Hero is the journey of a young, ordinary girl named Maddie who discovers her own strengths and uses them to become a superhero.

The author's purpose in High-Flying Hero is to entertain and inspire readers, encouraging them to embrace their own unique abilities and believe in their capacity to make a difference.

The author's point of view in High-Flying Hero is likely that everyone has the potential to be a hero, and that ordinary individuals can accomplish extraordinary things if they believe in themselves and are willing to take action.

Step 1: Central idea of High-Flying Hero:

The central idea of High-Flying Hero is the story of a young girl named Emma who overcomes her fear of heights and pursues her dream of becoming a pilot.

Step 2: Author's purpose in High-Flying Hero:
The author's purpose in High-Flying Hero is to inspire young readers to face their fears, set goals, and follow their passions, regardless of any obstacles they may encounter.

Step 3: Author's point of view in High-Flying Hero:
The author's point of view in High-Flying Hero is likely a positive and encouraging one, as she portrays Emma's journey as one of determination and resilience, highlighting the importance of perseverance and self-belief in achieving one's dreams.

To determine the central idea, author's purpose, and author's point of view in the book "High-Flying Hero" by Christy Mihaly, we need to analyze the text and draw conclusions based on the information provided.

To identify the central idea of a book, we need to look for the main theme or message that the author is trying to convey. This can be revealed through the plot, character development, or recurring themes. It would be necessary to read the book or find detailed summaries, reviews, or analyses about "High-Flying Hero" to pinpoint the central idea accurately.

The author's purpose refers to why they wrote the book or what they intended to achieve through their writing. The purpose can vary, such as to entertain, inform, persuade, or inspire readers. Understanding the author's purpose typically requires direct knowledge from the author or insight gained from reading interviews, reviews, or personal statements.

Author's point of view refers to the perspective or opinion that the author holds on the subject matter. It can be influenced by their background, experiences, or beliefs. To determine the author's point of view in "High-Flying Hero," you would need to examine the text closely for any biases, opinions, or attitudes expressed by the author towards the characters, events, or themes.

Without specific information about "High-Flying Hero," it is challenging to provide accurate answers regarding the central idea, author's purpose, and author's point of view.