After independence, most South American countries

A. extended voting rights to all men.
B. established communist systems with command economies.
C. were dominated by wealthy landowners.
D. shifted from plantation agriculture to small-scale farming.

C. were dominated by wealthy landowners.

After independence, most South American countries:

A. Extended voting rights to all men.

While the specific timeline and extent of voting rights varied among South American countries, many of them did extend voting rights to all men after gaining independence. This was seen as a move towards democracy and inclusive political participation.

B. Did not establish communist systems with command economies.

Although some South American countries did experience periods of socialist governments or movements, none of them established full-fledged communist systems with command economies. The dominant economic systems in South America have been a mix of capitalism and socialism, with varying degrees of state intervention.

C. Were dominated by wealthy landowners.

This statement is partially true. Many South American countries did face the issue of a concentration of wealth in the hands of a few wealthy landowners after independence. This situation continued for several decades and contributed to social and economic inequality.

D. Did not shift from plantation agriculture to small-scale farming.

In general, South American countries did not completely shift from plantation agriculture to small-scale farming after independence. Plantation agriculture, particularly in cash crops like sugar, coffee, and cacao, has remained an important sector in many South American economies. However, there have been diversification efforts towards other industries and agricultural practices, such as agribusiness and sustainable farming methods.

To answer this question, we can look at the historical context of South American countries after gaining independence.

A. Extended voting rights to all men:
To determine if this statement is true, we need to research the history of voting rights in South American countries after independence. We can examine the constitutions and legislative acts that were put in place during that time, as well as any significant political reforms. This information can be found in historical documents, academic books, and articles on the subject.

B. Established communist systems with command economies:
To determine if this statement is true, we need to research the political systems and economic models adopted by South American countries after gaining independence. We can analyze the political ideologies of the ruling parties and their policies towards the economy. Government documents, political speeches, and academic sources can provide insights into this topic.

C. Were dominated by wealthy landowners:
To determine if this statement is true, we can examine the social and economic structure of South American countries after independence. We can research the concentration of land ownership and the influence of wealthy landowners in politics and the economy. Historical records, economic studies, and sociological research can be helpful in gaining an understanding of this aspect.

D. Shifted from plantation agriculture to small-scale farming:
To determine if this statement is true, we can investigate the changes in agricultural practices and land distribution in South American countries after independence. We can examine government policies, technological advancements, and shifts in labor patterns. Historical records, agricultural reports, and studies on the rural economy can provide valuable information on this topic.

By conducting research and analyzing historical and academic sources, we can find the most accurate answer to this question.