Determine the domain of the following graph:

Unfortunately, I cannot see the graph you are referring to since I am an AI text-based assistant and do not have the capability to view images or graphs. However, I can help determine the domain of a function if you provide me with the function.

To determine the domain of a graph, we need to find the set of all possible x-values.

However, as there is no specific graph provided in the question, I cannot determine the domain without further information.

Please provide the graph or the equation of the function so I can assist you in determining the domain.

To determine the domain of a graph, we need to consider the x-values for which the graph is defined or exists. The domain represents all possible input values for a function or graph.

However, I need additional information to determine the domain of the specific graph you are referring to. Could you please provide me with the equation or describe the graph in more detail?