Use the sentence to answer the question.

The mechanic said the car needed some brake things replaced.

Which words can replace the imprecise phrase some brake things with domain-specific language?

(1 point)

things that stop the car
things that stop the car

some important parts
some important parts

some parts that wore out
some parts that wore out

the wheel cylinders

some parts that wore out

some parts that wore out

The phrase "some brake things" is imprecise and does not provide specific details. To find domain-specific language that can replace this phrase, we need to identify what the mechanic might be referring to when talking about brake things. One possibility could be "things that stop the car," as brakes are an essential component in stopping a car. Another option could be "some important parts," as brakes are crucial for the safe operation of a vehicle. Additionally, "some parts that wore out" could also be a suitable replacement, considering that brake components can wear out over time due to regular usage. Lastly, a specific brake component called "the wheel cylinders" could also be an appropriate term to replace the phrase "some brake things." To determine the best option, it would be helpful to gather more information from the mechanic or consult automotive resources.