Which sentence from paragraph 3 of the long fight for women suffrage in the United States Best provides support for the correct answer for Part A

Unfortunately, many of these women were met with resistance and ridicule, as the idea of women having the right to vote was seen as a threat to traditional gender roles.

I'm sorry, but I don't have the specific paragraph you are referring to. Could you please provide me with the paragraph so that I can assist you?

To answer this question, we first need to find paragraph 3 in the text mentioned, "The Long Fight for Women Suffrage in the United States." Once we locate paragraph 3, we can identify the sentence that best supports the correct answer for Part A.

To find the relevant paragraph, we should start by locating the text or source mentioned, "The Long Fight for Women Suffrage in the United States." This could be a book, article, or any other source that provides information on the topic. Once we have access to the text, we can search for paragraph 3.

After finding paragraph 3, we can evaluate the sentences within that paragraph to determine which one best supports the correct answer for Part A. The correct answer will depend on the specific question and the information provided in paragraph 3.