What are coping straight help you protect yourself from difficult feelings?

A. Defense mechanism
B. Learned emotions
C. Primary emotions
D. Secondary emotions

A. Defense mechanism

The answer is A. Defense mechanism.

Coping strategies are techniques or behaviors that individuals use to manage stress and protect themselves from difficult feelings. Defense mechanisms are specific coping mechanisms that help protect against these difficult emotions. They work by unconsciously distorting or blocking thoughts, feelings, or memories that cause distress, allowing individuals to cope with anxiety or other challenging emotions. Defense mechanisms include denial, repression, projection, and displacement, among others.

The answer to the question "What are coping strategies that help you protect yourself from difficult feelings?" is A. Defense mechanism. Defense mechanisms are psychological strategies that we unconsciously use to protect ourselves from anxiety, stress, or other difficult emotions. They are like mental shields that help us deal with threatening or challenging situations. Defense mechanisms can range from denying or distorting reality to diverting our attention away from the problem. Examples of defense mechanisms include repression, denial, projection, and rationalization.

To arrive at this answer, it is important to understand the concept of defense mechanisms and their role in coping with difficult feelings. You can learn about defense mechanisms through various sources such as psychology textbooks, online articles, or academic websites. Understanding the different types of defense mechanisms and how they function will enable you to identify the appropriate answer to this question.