When teens are asked by peers to engage in risky behaviors they should practice abstinence or a way to?

A. Refrain from engaging in risky behaviors
B. Engage in risky behaviors with peers
C. Hide their uncomfortable feelings
D. Deal with all of their emotions

A. Refrain from engaging in risky behaviors

When teens are asked by peers to engage in risky behaviors, they should practice abstinence or a way to?

The correct answer is A. Refrain from engaging in risky behaviors. Teens should strive to avoid participation in risky behaviors when asked by their peers. It is important for teenagers to make responsible decisions and prioritize their own safety and well-being. Abstaining from risky behaviors helps reduce potential negative consequences and promotes a healthy lifestyle.

When teens are asked by peers to engage in risky behaviors, it is important for them to choose option A, which is to refrain from engaging in risky behaviors. This means that they should avoid participating in activities that may be dangerous or harmful to their well-being.

To make this choice, teens can consider the following steps:

1. Assess the situation: It's important for teens to carefully evaluate the potential risks and consequences associated with the behavior they are being asked to engage in. This may involve considering the potential physical, emotional, and legal implications of such behavior.

2. Understand personal values: Teens should reflect on their own values and the things that are important to them. This can help guide their decision-making process and empower them to make choices that align with their own beliefs, rather than being swayed by peer pressure.

3. Assertiveness skills: Developing assertiveness skills can be helpful when faced with peer pressure. Teens can learn effective ways to communicate their boundaries and say "no" firmly and respectfully. They can practice assertive responses such as "I'm not comfortable with that" or "I choose not to participate in those kinds of activities".

4. Seek support: It can be beneficial for teens to have a support system in place, such as trusted friends, family members, or mentors. They can confide in someone they trust and seek advice or guidance when facing peer pressure situations. Having someone who understands and supports their decision to abstain from risky behaviors can be highly valuable.

By practicing abstinence and making deliberate choices to avoid risky behaviors, teens can prioritize their well-being and personal values, and maintain their physical and emotional health.

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