Why has the Huang He River historically been referred to as "China's Sorrow"?


because it flooded unpredictably

because it dried up centuries ago

because it was yellow and polluted

because it attracted predatory animals

A. because it flooded unpredictably

A. because it flooded unpredictably

The correct answer is A. The Huang He River, also known as the Yellow River, has historically been referred to as "China's Sorrow" because it frequently flooded unpredictably. To arrive at this answer, you can use both historical knowledge and deductive reasoning.

The Huang He River is one of the most significant rivers in China, and its floods have caused great devastation throughout history. These floods led to the loss of countless lives and extensive damage to crops, infrastructure, and communities. Historical records indicate that the river has experienced numerous catastrophic flood events over the centuries, including the deadliest recorded flood in human history in 1931.

By understanding the historical context and impact of the Huang He River's floods, we can deduce that the river earned the nickname "China's Sorrow" due to the tremendous sorrow and suffering caused by its floodwaters. Therefore, option A, which states that it flooded unpredictably, correctly describes why the Huang He River has historically been referred to as "China's Sorrow."