Your best friend is in hospital with a serious illness. The stressor can be classified as a(n)

A. Catastrophe b.
B. Environmental problem
C. Everyday problem
D. Major life change

D. Major life change

A. Catastrophe

To determine the classification of the stressor in this scenario, we need to analyze the nature of the situation.

A. Catastrophe: A catastrophe refers to a sudden, widespread, and usually unpredictable event that causes a significant amount of stress and disruption to individuals or communities. While a serious illness is certainly stressful, it does not meet the criteria of a catastrophe because it is not a sudden, unpredictable event affecting a large number of people.

B. Environmental problem: An environmental problem typically refers to issues related to pollution, natural disasters, or climate change. This scenario does not relate to an environmental problem.

C. Everyday problem: An everyday problem refers to the routine challenges and stresses that people commonly encounter in their daily lives. While a serious illness can indeed be considered a problem, it is not an everyday problem, as it goes beyond the typical challenges one would face in their daily life.

D. Major life change: This classification involves significant life events that result in major life adjustments and cause stress. In this scenario, the serious illness of a best friend represents a major life change that can bring immense stress and upheaval to an individual's life.

Thus, the correct answer is D. Major life change.