Jennie feels sad all the time now. She has not enjoyed anything for months. Jennie is probably suffering from:

(1 point)

a phobia
a phobia

clinical depression
clinical depression

obsessive-compulsive disorder
obsessive-compulsive disorder


clinical depression

Based on the given information, Jennie is most likely suffering from clinical depression. Clinical depression is characterized by persistent feelings of sadness, a lack of interest or pleasure in activities, changes in appetite or sleep patterns, difficulty concentrating, and feelings of hopelessness or worthlessness. It is important for Jennie to seek professional help to receive an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment for her symptoms.

To determine what Jennie is probably suffering from, we can look at the symptoms she is experiencing. In this case, Jennie has been feeling sad all the time and has not enjoyed anything for months. This could indicate a loss of interest in activities and a persistent low mood, which are symptoms commonly associated with clinical depression. Therefore, the most likely answer in this case would be clinical depression. It's important to note that only a qualified mental health professional can provide an accurate diagnosis, so it would be recommended for Jennie to seek professional help to get a proper evaluation and appropriate support.

Which is NOT a type of psychotherapy used to treat mental disorders?

(1 point)

insight therapy
insight therapy

group therapy
group therapy

drug therapy
drug therapy

cognitive therapy