Which option describes precise language

Statements that give you characteristics of an object

Words that are related to a specific subject area

Language that includes slang and contractions

Specific words that give the reader a clear image

Specific words that give the reader a clear image

The option that describes precise language is: specific words that give the reader a clear image.

The option that describes precise language is "Specific words that give the reader a clear image." Precise language is defined as the use of words and phrases that convey a clear and specific meaning without any ambiguity. It involves being specific and avoiding vague or general terms. Precise language helps the reader or listener to easily understand the intended message and creates a more vivid and accurate image in their mind. To achieve precise language, it is important to use specific words that describe the exact details or characteristics of an object, person, or concept. This can be done by including specific details, providing clear examples, and using descriptive adjectives or nouns that accurately represent the subject. Using precise language enhances communication and ensures the message is effectively conveyed.