What is the value of the expression -3.14 x -4?


To find the value of the expression -3.14 x -4, follow these steps:

Step 1: Multiply -3.14 by -4.
-3.14 x -4 = 12.56

Therefore, the value of the expression -3.14 x -4 is 12.56.

To find the value of the expression -3.14 x -4, we need to multiply -3.14 by -4.

The product of two negative numbers is always positive. So, when we multiply -3.14 by -4, the negative signs cancel out, and we are left with a positive product.

To calculate this, we simply multiply the absolute values of -3.14 and 4. The absolute value of a number disregards its sign and gives the positive value.

Therefore, the value of the expression -3.14 x -4 is 12.56.