To form a nebula, pulls matter together or causes an .

First one. Gravity, heat, pressure.
Second choice an explosion, infrared light emission, pressure changes

First one: Gravity

Second choice: Explosion

Astronomers think that most galaxies are centered by a Select Answer , which exerts Select Answer that binds the galaxy together.

First one large planets, nebula, massive star, black hole.
Second choice Gravitational pull, centrifugal force, centripetal force, magnetic pull

First one: Black hole

Second choice: Gravitational pull

To form a nebula, gravity pulls matter together and causes an increase in heat and pressure.

To form a nebula, gravity pulls matter together or causes an explosion. Let's break it down further:

1. Gravity: Gravity is the force that attracts objects toward one another. In the case of a nebula, gravity acts as the primary mechanism for bringing matter together. It pulls gas and dust particles from the surrounding space and starts to compact them. As these particles cluster and accumulate, their mutual gravitational attraction increases, leading to the formation of a nebula.

2. Explosion: In some cases, the formation of a nebula can be triggered by an explosive event, such as a supernova. When a massive star reaches the end of its life, it undergoes a cataclysmic explosion called a supernova. During this explosion, the outer layers of the star are expelled into the surrounding space. These ejected materials then begin to disperse and interact with the surrounding interstellar medium, creating a colorful and expansive nebula.

Regarding the second choice you mentioned, the elements mentioned (infrared light emission and pressure changes) are not direct causes of nebula formation. Infrared light emission is a characteristic of nebulae, but it's not the cause of their formation. Pressure changes can occur within a nebula, but they are a consequence of gravitational forces rather than a cause.

In conclusion, the primary factors involved in forming a nebula are gravity, which brings matter together through mutual attraction, or a large-scale explosion, such as a supernova, which disperses materials into space, leading to the formation of a nebula.