A wasp’s stinger has an average length of 2.67×10−3 meter long. What is this length in decimal notation?

The length of a wasp's stinger in decimal notation is 0.00267 meter.

To convert scientific notation to decimal notation, we need to move the decimal point to the right or left depending on the exponent. In this case, we have 2.67 × 10^(-3).

To convert this to decimal notation, we need to move the decimal point to the left by 3 places since the exponent is -3.

So, 2.67 × 10^(-3) in decimal notation is:

To express the given length of a wasp's stinger, which is 2.67×10^(-3) meters, in decimal notation, we can convert it to a standard decimal number.

To do this, we need to move the decimal point three places to the left as the exponent is negative (-3). This means dividing the number by 1,000 (10^3).

2.67 × 10^(-3) = 2.67 ÷ 1,000

Simplifying this calculation gives us:

2.67 ÷ 1,000 = 0.00267

Therefore, the length of the wasp's stinger in decimal notation is 0.00267 meters.