Country A charges a 35% tax on automobiles imported into the country. This is an example of

a tariff.

a quota.

an embargo.

a specialization.

A. a tariff.

A. A tariff

To determine the correct answer, let's understand what each option means:

A. A tariff is a tax imposed on imported goods by a country's government. In this case, Country A charges a 35% tax on imported automobiles, which aligns with the definition of a tariff.

B. A quota is a limit on the quantity or value of goods that can be imported into a country within a specified period. There is no mention of a limit or restriction on imports in the scenario, so it is not an example of a quota.

C. An embargo is a complete ban on trade with a particular country. Since Country A is charging a tax on imported automobiles rather than banning or prohibiting them entirely, it is not an embargo.

D. Specialization refers to a situation where a country or individual focuses on producing a specific type of product or service in order to achieve higher efficiency or productivity. This concept is not applicable in this scenario.

Based on the given information, the correct answer is A. a tariff.