Who was involved? Think about the people or groups who were involved and affected by this event

In order to provide a more accurate answer, please provide more context or specify the event in question.

To answer your question, I would need more information about the specific event you are referring to. Could you please provide more details or context?

To determine who was involved in a particular event, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the Event: First, specify the event you are referring to. For example, if you are asking about a historical event, mention its name or provide some context.

2. Analyze Direct Participants: Consider the individuals or groups directly involved in the event. These may include key figures, leaders, organizations, or countries. Depending on the event, these participants could be politicians, activists, military personnel, scientists, athletes, or any other relevant parties.

3. Explore Indirect Participants: Often, an event affects more than just the direct participants. Think about secondary individuals or groups who were indirectly involved or influenced by the event. These could be citizens, communities, social or cultural organizations, industries, or any other parties impacted by the event.

4. Research and Verify: To get accurate information about who was involved and affected in a specific event, it is advisable to conduct further research. Consult reliable sources such as books, journals, news articles, documentaries, or scholarly publications. By cross-referencing multiple sources, you can ensure a comprehensive and accurate understanding of all the people or groups involved and affected by the event.

Remember, the level and extent of involvement may vary depending on the event and its impact, so your analysis should be tailored accordingly.