6) The coach ran onto the pitching mound to ———with the referee.

remonstrate, prostrate, or arduous

The correct word to fill in the blank is "remonstrate."

The correct word to fill in the blank is "remonstrate".

To determine the correct word that fills in the blank in the given sentence, we need to understand the context and meaning of each option.

1. Remonstrate - This means to make a forceful protest or complaint. It involves expressing strong disagreement or disapproval.
2. Prostrate - This means to lie flat on the ground, particularly face downward, as a sign of respect, submission, or worship.
3. Arduous - This means involving or requiring strenuous effort; difficult and tiring.

Considering the sentence "The coach ran onto the pitching mound to _________ with the referee," we need to select the word that fits logically in the context of a coach interacting with a referee.

Based on the sentence, the most suitable word is "remonstrate." When a coach runs onto the pitching mound to interact with the referee, it would typically be to express disagreement or dissatisfaction with a decision or action taken by the referee.

Therefore, the correct word to fill in the blank is "remonstrate."