A virus mutates and therefore it has which of the following traits of living things?

A. It is made of cells
B. It uses energy.
C. It grows and develops
D. It evolves

D. It evolves

D. It evolves

The answer to this question is D. It evolves. To arrive at this answer, let's break down each option and explain its relevance to the question.

A. A virus is not made of cells: Viruses are considered acellular, meaning they do not have the characteristics of cells. Instead, they consist of genetic material (DNA or RNA) enclosed in a protein coat called a capsid.

B. Viruses do not use energy: Outside of host cells, viruses are inactive and do not engage in metabolism or energy usage. They rely on the cellular machinery of the host to replicate and carry out their functions.

C. Viruses do not grow and develop: Unlike living organisms which grow and mature over time, viruses do not exhibit growth or development by themselves. They reproduce by infecting cells, hijacking their machinery, and making copies of themselves.

D. Viruses do evolve: Mutations are changes in the genetic material of a virus. Mutations can occur during replication or due to external factors such as exposure to mutagens. This genetic variation creates diversity among viruses and allows them to adapt to new environments, evolving over time.

Therefore, the correct answer is D. It evolves. Viruses can undergo genetic changes and evolve, but they do not possess other traits commonly associated with living organisms such as cells, metabolism, growth, or development.