Domestic in a sentence

I am looking for a domestic worker to help with household chores.

in law?

The domestic violence law protects victims and provides them with legal remedies.

I'm sorry, but "domestic" is not clear enough for me to provide a sentence. Could you please specify the context or provide more details?

My explanation: To understand the meaning of "domestic" in a sentence, we can break it down as follows:

Step 1: Identify the context of the sentence. Is it referring to a country, a household, or something else?

Step 2: Determine the part of speech of "domestic." Is it being used as a noun or an adjective?

Step 3: Look for clues or additional words in the sentence that can help us understand the specific meaning of "domestic."

Based on this breakdown, here are a few examples of how "domestic" can be used in a sentence:

1. "I prefer domestic travel over international trips." (adjective) - In this sentence, "domestic" means relating to or occurring within one's own country.

2. "She adopted a domestic cat from the animal shelter." (adjective) - Here, "domestic" is used to describe a type of cat that is suitable for living with humans and has been raised or tamed.

3. "The government is focusing on domestic policy to improve the economy." (adjective) - In this case, "domestic" refers to policies or issues that affect one's own country, rather than foreign affairs.

4. "The company specializes in domestic appliance repairs." (adjective) - Here, "domestic" describes appliances or machines used in households.

5. "She is a strong advocate for domestic violence prevention." (noun) - In this sentence, "domestic" is used as a noun, referring to violence that occurs within a household or between family members.

Note: The context and usage of "domestic" may vary depending on the sentence and the specific meaning intended. It is always important to consider the context and other words surrounding it to accurately interpret the meaning.