A sugar cube has a volume of about 4.9 ml. What is the total volume in milliliters of 1.5×10^6 sugar cubes?

To find the total volume of 1.5×10^6 sugar cubes, we multiply the volume of one sugar cube by the number of sugar cubes.

Volume of one sugar cube: 4.9 ml
Number of sugar cubes: 1.5×10^6

Total volume of 1.5×10^6 sugar cubes = (4.9 ml) × (1.5×10^6)
= (4.9 × 1.5) × (10^6) ml
= 7.35 × 10^6 ml

Therefore, the total volume of 1.5×10^6 sugar cubes is 7.35 × 10^6 milliliters.

To calculate the total volume of 1.5×10^6 sugar cubes, you need to multiply the volume of one sugar cube by the number of sugar cubes.

Volume of one sugar cube = 4.9 ml
Number of sugar cubes = 1.5×10^6

To find the total volume, multiply the volume of one sugar cube by the number of sugar cubes:

Total Volume = Volume of one sugar cube × Number of sugar cubes

Total Volume = 4.9 ml × 1.5×10^6

To simplify the calculation, you can express 1.5×10^6 in scientific notation:

1.5×10^6 = 1,500,000

Now, substitute the values and calculate the total volume:

Total Volume = 4.9 ml × 1,500,000

Total Volume = 7,350,000 ml

Therefore, the total volume of 1.5×10^6 sugar cubes is 7,350,000 milliliters.

To find the total volume in milliliters of 1.5×10^6 sugar cubes, we need to multiply the volume of one sugar cube by the number of sugar cubes.

Given that the volume of one sugar cube is approximately 4.9 ml, we can calculate the total volume using the following formula:

Total volume = Volume per sugar cube × Number of sugar cubes

Plugging in the values, we have:

Total volume = 4.9 ml × 1.5 × 10^6

To perform this calculation, we can multiply the two values together:

Total volume = 7.35 × 10^6 ml

Therefore, the total volume in milliliters of 1.5×10^6 sugar cubes is 7.35 × 10^6 ml.