If a business wants to find out the effect that a change will have on the health of the business, as well as the impact on future production levels, what type of research design would be best for them to use? (1 point) Responses causal causal descriptive descriptive exploratory exploratory intrinsic

The best research design for the business to use, in order to find out the effect of a change on the health of the business and future production levels, would be a causal research design. The causal research design allows for the establishment of cause-and-effect relationships between variables, which would help the business determine the impact of the change on its health and production levels.

The best research design for a business to use in order to find out the effect of a change on the health of the business and its impact on future production levels would be a causal research design.

The type of research design that would be best for a business to use in order to find out the effect that a change will have on the health of the business, as well as the impact on future production levels, is a causal research design.

Causal research is a type of research design that aims to establish a cause-and-effect relationship between variables. It involves manipulating and controlling certain variables to observe their impact on other variables. In this case, the business would need to make a change and then measure the effects that the change has on the health of the business and future production levels.

To conduct a causal research study, the business would typically follow these steps:

1. Clearly define the research problem or question: Identify the specific change that the business wants to study and its expected impact on the health of the business and future production levels.

2. Formulate hypotheses: Develop specific statements about the expected cause-and-effect relationship between the change and the outcomes of interest.

3. Design the research study: Determine the appropriate research design, sample size, data collection methods, and measurement tools to gather the necessary data to test the hypotheses.

4. Implement the study: Implement the planned research design by making the change and collecting relevant data before and after the change.

5. Analyze the data: Use statistical analysis techniques to analyze the collected data and determine if there is a significant cause-and-effect relationship between the change and the health of the business and future production levels.

6. Draw conclusions and make recommendations: Based on the findings, interpret the results and draw conclusions regarding the impact of the change on the business. Use these conclusions to make informed decisions and recommendations for the future.

By following these steps and utilizing a causal research design, the business can better understand the effect that a change will have on its health and future production levels, allowing for more informed decision-making.