Translate this phrase into an algebraic expression.

7 more than twice Mabel's age

2M + 7

Translate this phrase into an algebraic expression.

Eight more than the product of 22 and Craig's age

22C + 8

Let's assume that Mabel's age is represented by the variable "m".

The given phrase "7 more than twice Mabel's age" can be written as:
2m + 7

To translate the phrase "7 more than twice Mabel's age" into an algebraic expression, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Choose a variable to represent Mabel's age. Let's use the variable "x" for this case.

Step 2: Translate the words "twice Mabel's age" into algebra. Since "twice" means "two times," we can write this as "2 * x."

Step 3: Translate the phrase "7 more than" into algebra. This means we need to add 7 to the expression we obtained in step 2.

Putting it all together, the algebraic expression for "7 more than twice Mabel's age" is:

2x + 7