
Infinite solutions
no solutions
one solution

In this case, let's solve the equation step by step:

20 - 8x - 6 = 2(7 - 4x)

First, simplify both sides of the equation:

14 - 8x = 14 - 8x

Next, identify the variables on both sides:

-8x = -8x

Since the variable terms are the same on both sides, this equation has infinite solutions.

To solve the equation 20-8x-6=2(7-4x), we can start by simplifying both sides:

20 - 8x - 6 = 14 - 8x.

Next, we can simplify further by combining like terms:

14 - 8x = 14 - 8x.

Since the variable term (-8x) is the same on both sides of the equation, this means that the equation has infinity many solutions. In other words, any value of x will satisfy this equation.

To determine the number of solutions for this equation, we need to simplify and solve it. Let's start by simplifying the equation:

20 - 8x - 6 = 2(7 - 4x)

First, simplify within the parentheses:

20 - 8x - 6 = 14 - 8x

Next, distribute the 2 outside the parentheses:

20 - 8x - 6 = 14 - 8x

Simplifying further:

14 - 8x = 14 - 8x

Now, we can see that both sides of the equation are identical. This means that no matter the value of x, the equation will always be true. Therefore, the equation has infinite solutions.

To explain how to arrive at this conclusion, we can see that when we simplify the equation, the variable x cancels out on both sides. This results in an equation that is always true, regardless of x's value. This indicates that there are infinitely many solutions to the equation.