How can the sum of two vectors be found

By drawing the vectors perpendicular to each other. By drawing the vectors one right after another. By subtracting the numbers of the vectors magnitudes. By adding the numbers representing the vectors magnitudes.

The sum of two vectors can be found by adding the individual components of the vectors. If the vectors are in two-dimensional space, you add their corresponding x-components together and their corresponding y-components together to obtain the components of the resultant vector. In other words, the sum of two vectors A and B is given by:

A + B = (Ax + Bx, Ay + By)

If the vectors are in three-dimensional space, you also add their corresponding z-components together:

A + B = (Ax + Bx, Ay + By, Az + Bz)

Which one

By drawing the vectors one right after another.

The sum of two vectors can be found by adding the components of the vectors together. Here is a step-by-step process to find the sum of two vectors:

1. Start by determining the components of each vector. For example, if you have vector A with components (Ax, Ay) and vector B with components (Bx, By), where Ax and Ay represent the x and y components of vector A, and Bx and By represent the x and y components of vector B.

2. Add the corresponding components of the vectors together. This means adding the x components (Ax + Bx) to get the x component of the sum, and adding the y components (Ay + By) to get the y component of the sum.

3. The sum of the vectors is then represented by the new set of components obtained in step 2. So the sum of vector A and vector B can be represented as (Ax + Bx, Ay + By).

4. If you want to find the magnitude and direction of the sum of the vectors, you can use the Pythagorean theorem and trigonometry. The magnitude of the sum is given by the square root of the sum of the squares of the x and y components [(Ax + Bx)^2 + (Ay + By)^2]. The direction can be found using trigonometry, such as the tangent of the angle between the x-axis and the vector.

Note: It is important to make sure the vectors are of the same dimension and measured in the same units for the addition to be valid.

The sum of two vectors can be found by adding the magnitudes of the vectors and considering their directions. Here's how you can do it:

1. Step 1: Draw the vectors: Start by drawing the two vectors on a coordinate system, with their tails at the same point (origin). Make sure to label the vectors with their magnitudes and directions.

2. Step 2: Place the vectors head-to-tail: Take the second vector and place its tail at the head of the first vector. This represents adding the vectors one after another. The resulting vector is the one that starts from the tail of the first vector and ends at the head of the second vector.

3. Step 3: Measure the resulting vector: Measure the magnitude (length) of the resulting vector using an appropriate scale. This can be done by using a ruler or a scale on the coordinate system.

4. Step 4: Determine the direction of the resulting vector: To determine the direction of the resulting vector, you can use the angle between the resulting vector and a reference line or axis. This can be done by using a protractor or by estimating the angle visually.

5. Step 5: Record the sum of the vectors: The sum of the two vectors is represented by the magnitude and direction of the resulting vector.

Note that if the given vectors act in perpendicular directions (orthogonal vectors), you can also use the Pythagorean theorem to find the magnitude of the resulting vector. In this case, you square the magnitudes of the two vectors, add them, and then take the square root of the sum.