What was the main reason that the Mexican government created Telesecundaria

The main reason that the Mexican government created Telesecundaria was to address the lack of access to secondary education in rural and remote areas of the country. Telesecundaria is an educational program that uses television broadcasts to deliver curriculum and instruction to students in isolated communities where there are no secondary schools. It aims to provide equal educational opportunities to all students, regardless of their geographic location.

The main reason that the Mexican government created Telesecundaria was to increase access to secondary education in remote and underserved areas of the country. The program aimed to bridge the educational gap between urban and rural areas and provide quality education for students who did not have access to traditional secondary schools. By using television broadcasts and video lessons, Telesecundaria aimed to deliver standardized curriculum to students in these remote areas.

The main reason that the Mexican government created Telesecundaria was to expand access to education in rural areas where there were limited resources and a shortage of qualified teachers. Telesecundaria is a distance education program that uses television and other technology to bring secondary education to remote communities. By implementing this program, the government aimed to provide more students with the opportunity to continue their education beyond the primary level.

To find this information, you can conduct research on the history and objectives of Telesecundaria, which are widely available on education websites, government reports, and academic papers. Additionally, you can consult official Mexican government documents or publications that discuss the creation and purpose of Telesecundaria. Historically, there may have also been news articles or press releases announcing the establishment of Telesecundaria that can provide insight into the government's motivations.