Multiple Choice Question

A tissue in a living organism is made up of one or more
types of acids, which maintain the integrity of a single cell membrane in an organism.

types of cells, which work together cooperatively.

types of organs, which work independently of one another.

types of organ systems, which interact with one another to help an organism function.

B. types of cells, which work together cooperatively.

Which of the following tables correctly matches the organs to their roles in maintaining homeostasis?

Organ Role
Heart pumps blood to various parts of the body
Lung provides oxygen for the blood
Artery transfers oxygen-rich blood to various parts of the body
Vein transfers carbon dioxide-rich blood from various body parts to the heart
Organ Role
Heart transfers carbon dioxide-rich blood from various body parts to the heart
Lung transfers oxygen-rich blood to various parts of the body
Artery provides oxygen for the blood
Vein pumps blood to various parts of the body
Organ Role
Heart provides oxygen for the blood
Lung transfers carbon dioxide-rich blood from various body parts to the heart
Artery pumps blood to various parts of the body
Vein transfers oxygen-rich blood to various parts of the body
Organ Role
Heart provides oxygen for the blood
Lung transfers oxygen-rich blood to various parts of the body
Artery transfers carbon dioxide-rich blood from various body parts to the heart
Vein pumps blood to various parts of the body

B. types of cells, which work together cooperatively.

The correct answer is B. types of cells, which work together cooperatively.

To arrive at the correct answer, we need to understand what a tissue is and how it is formed in a living organism.

A tissue is a group of similar cells that come together to perform a specific function. These cells are organized and interact with each other to carry out a particular task in the organism.

Now, let's consider each option provided:

A. types of acids, which maintain the integrity of a single cell membrane in an organism.
This option is incorrect because acids do not make up tissues. Acids play a different role in the body, such as in digestion or maintaining pH levels, but they do not form tissues.

B. types of cells, which work together cooperatively.
This is the correct answer because tissues are formed by multiple types of cells that work together in a cooperative manner. These cells have specialized functions and come together to perform specific tasks within the organism.

C. types of organs, which work independently of one another.
This option is incorrect because tissues are not made up of organs. Organs are composed of different types of tissues working together, but they are not the building blocks of tissues.

D. types of organ systems, which interact with one another to help an organism function.
This option is also incorrect because tissues are not made up of organ systems. Organ systems are composed of multiple organs working together, but they are not the building blocks of tissues.

To summarize, tissues in a living organism are made up of one or more types of cells that work together cooperatively.