An object falls freely near Earth's surface. Which graph best represents the relationship between the object's kinetic energy and time elapsed during its fall?

The relationship between an object's kinetic energy and time elapsed during its fall can be represented by a parabolic curve. Initially, as the object falls, its kinetic energy increases gradually. However, as the object continues to fall, its speed increases, leading to a greater kinetic energy. Eventually, as the object reaches its terminal velocity, the increase in kinetic energy becomes less steep. Therefore, the graph that best represents this relationship would be a curve that starts gradually and then becomes steeper, but with a diminishing slope as time goes on.

The relationship between an object's kinetic energy and time elapsed during its fall can be represented using a linear graph. As the object freely falls near Earth's surface, its kinetic energy increases over time. The graph will show a straight line with a positive slope, indicating that the kinetic energy is proportional to the time elapsed. Therefore, the best graph representing this relationship would be a linear graph with a positive slope.

To determine the relationship between the object's kinetic energy and time elapsed during its fall, we need to have a basic understanding of the factors that affect kinetic energy.

The kinetic energy of an object is given by the equation:

KE = 1/2 * m * v^2

KE = Kinetic Energy
m = Mass of the object
v = Velocity of the object

In the case of an object falling freely near Earth's surface, we can assume that the mass of the object remains constant. Therefore, the key factor affecting the kinetic energy is the velocity of the object.

As an object falls freely near Earth's surface, it accelerates due to the force of gravity acting on it. The velocity of the object increases as time progresses until it reaches its terminal velocity, where the force of gravity is balanced by air resistance. After reaching terminal velocity, the object falls at a constant speed, resulting in a constant kinetic energy.

Based on this information, we can conclude that the graph representing the relationship between the object's kinetic energy and time elapsed during its fall would show a steadily increasing curve until terminal velocity is reached, followed by a straight horizontal line representing a constant kinetic energy.

Therefore, graph 1 would best represent the relationship between the object's kinetic energy and time elapsed during its fall.