Which of the following ratios is equivalent to 3/2?


To find the equivalent ratio, we need to simplify the given ratio 3/2. The simplification process involves dividing both the numerator and the denominator by their greatest common divisor (GCD).

The GCD of 3 and 2 is 1, so we divide both numbers by 1.

Therefore, the simplified ratio is 3/2.

None of the options listed are equivalent to 3/2.

Pick out of the options i give u

Based on the options you provided, the ratio that is equivalent to 3/2 is 9/6.

To find the equivalent ratio of 3/2, we need to simplify it.

Step 1: Find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of 3 and 2:
The factors of 3 are 1 and 3.
The factors of 2 are 1 and 2.

The only common factor is 1. Therefore, the GCD of 3 and 2 is 1.

Step 2: Divide both the numerator and denominator of the given ratio by the GCD:
3 ÷ 1 = 3
2 ÷ 1 = 2

The simplified ratio is 3/2.

Now, let's check which of the options is equivalent to 3/2.

Option 1: 2/3
We can see that 3/2 and 2/3 are not equivalent.

Option 2: 1
1 is not equivalent to 3/2.

Option 3: 9/4
We can simplify 9/4 by finding its GCD.
The factors of 9 are 1, 3, and 9.
The factors of 4 are 1 and 4.

The only common factor is 1. Therefore, the GCD of 9 and 4 is 1.

9 ÷ 1 = 9
4 ÷ 1 = 4

The simplified ratio is 9/4.

Option 4: 9/6
9/6 can also be simplified by finding its GCD.
The factors of 9 are 1, 3, and 9.
The factors of 6 are 1, 2, 3, and 6.

The common factor is 3. Therefore, the GCD of 9 and 6 is 3.

9 ÷ 3 = 3
6 ÷ 3 = 2

The simplified ratio is 3/2.

So, the answer is Option 4: 9/6.

To find the ratio that is equivalent to 3/2, we need to simplify the fraction 3/2.

1. To simplify a fraction, find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of the numerator and denominator.
The GCD of 3 and 2 is 1.

2. Divide both the numerator and denominator by the GCD.
3 ÷ 1 = 3
2 ÷ 1 = 2

Therefore, the simplified fraction of 3/2 is 3/2 itself.

Now, let's check which of the options is equivalent to 3/2:

a) 2/3: This ratio is not equivalent to 3/2.

b) 1: This is not a ratio. It is a whole number.

c) 9/4: This ratio is not equivalent to 3/2 either.

d) 9/6: To check if this is equivalent to 3/2, we need to simplify it.
The GCD of 9 and 6 is 3.
9 ÷ 3 = 3
6 ÷ 3 = 2

Therefore, the simplified fraction of 9/6 is 3/2.

So, the ratio that is equivalent to 3/2 is 9/6.